Welcome from the Principal
Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know".
When God called me to me for a change, I never thought that the change would involve moving from a teacher’s role to that of a principal. Moving from my old school to OLH at the beginning of the school year, I thought that I would be learning new things and growing as a teacher.
I feel blessed and honored that through God’s will, I have the opportunity to grow in faith and knowledge. Using my gifts and talents, I can serve all of the families and staff here at OLH. The students and their families as well as all of the staff at OLH continue to be a blessing in my life.
My vision for the school is that we are a family in Christ. Upon walking through the doors here we feel the presence of Jesus and the welcoming spirit that marks our faith. Through the hard work of our staff, the halls fill with sounds of learning. On the walls we see the artwork and projects that the students finished, showing everyone their joy in learning.
I will do all that I can to encourage, support, and guide the students, staff, and families here at OLH. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow with all of you.
With God's Blessings,
Mrs. Valdes
Our Lady of Humility School